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Equipoise - Boldenone 300mg/ml - Apoxar

Equipoise - Boldenone 300mg/ml - Apoxar

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Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Boldenones - EQ

Dosage and packing: 300 mg/ml (10 ml)

Boldenone 300 is an extremely effective steroid used for quality muscle gain and strength performance improvements with next to no possible side effects.

  • Usage: Inject 300-800mg once a week
  • Cycle Duration: 8-10 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: No, but may increase prolactin level and cause gynecomastia. So, use with Caber. 0.5-1 mg twice a week, 8-10 weeks
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Clomid 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Testosterone Enanthate for muscle mass or Winstrol for lean muscle

Boldenone 300 Overview

What is it

This anabolic androgenic steroid and synthetic testosterone derivative are some of the most common performance-enhancing drugs highly prized by athletes. The substance stimulates protein synthesis and releases of erythropoietin in the kidneys, thereby increasing muscle mass and strength.

The substance has many similarities with testosterone, such as increasing protein synthesis, nitrogen retention in muscles, inhibition of glucocorticoid hormones, and increasing IGF-1 production. It also increases the number of red blood cells, like most anabolic steroids.

What is it used for

Boldenone has high anabolic activity, and not so high androgenic. It is an excellent substance for increasing strength and size, and it also increases appetite, which is as well a good benefit.

It is often used by bodybuilders both in the off-season and pre-competition, usually as part of a steroid cycle, with a strong androgen like testosterone as the “base” of the kit. Standard dosages are 200-400 mg per week, sometimes as high as 800 mg per week.

Boldenone does not readily convert to estrogen, which means it does not induce strong water retention.

Main effects:

  • Increase in muscle mass from 4 to 6 kg
  • Increase of strength and endurance by 20-25%
  • Improving the relief and drawing of muscle fibers
  • Increased appetite
  • Acceleration of protein synthesis in the body
  • Increasing the level of free testosterone in the blood
  • Acceleration of regeneration processes
  • Fast recovery from hard workouts
  • Long-term preservation of the obtained results


First, it is an excellent choice as it is well and easily tolerated by the body. The high anabolic activity provides an increase in strength and size, one of the main desirable effects that steroid users perceive.

Another positive effect is its use in the treatment of diseases that cause muscle wasting and osteoporosis, which means, it has the ability to repair muscles and tissues from fatigue or damage.

It is great for increasing appetite. This means it is perfect for those who need to keep their calorie intake in check.

Strength gain is highly prized by bodybuilders for improving athletic performance and preparation for competition.

Another advantage is its use as the means of protecting lean muscle mass. It has a very good conditioning effect on your body and protects it from muscle loss. These effects will be greatly enhanced when combined with non-aromatizing steroids such as Masteron or Trenbolone.

Steroid Profile

  • Boldenone Base + Undeclyenoic Acid Ester
  • Effective Dose (Men): 200-600mgs/week
  • Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week
  • Active life: 15 days
  • Detection Time: Up to 5 months
  • Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: 100:50

How to take

Administration and Dosages

The drug is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly. The standard dosage is 200-400 milligrams per week. Some users prefer to use 600 mg for the best efficacy without having serious side effects.

The dosing schedule can be further subdivided to reduce the amount of each injection as needed. Injection sites should be changed regularly to avoid irritation or infection.

Boldenone provides a slow but steady increase in strength and high-quality muscle mass, therefore, better results will be obtained when used for long courses, this is 8-12 weeks.


Boldenone Solo

The substance increases the strength and endurance of the athlete. The gain of muscle mass is relatively slow, but it does not cause water retention, as a result of which the gained dry and high-quality muscle mass will remain with you at the end of the course, and not rollback.

The standard Boldenone solo course is 200-400 mg for 8-12 weeks. For PCT, use Tamoxifen or Clomid.

Combined Mass Gain Cycles

The substance is widely used on combined cycles for mass gaining. It works great with almost all steroids, enhancing their effect. Works especially well with the latest testosterone esters such as Enanthate, Cypionate, Sustanon, or Omnadren. In this way, anabolic activity is increased, without increasing androgenic effects.

The most important thing is to observe a high-calorie diet and healthy sleep. You can also add sports supplements to your diet, such as protein, creatine, amino acids, etc.

The medicine is great for Cutting, as it:

  • has enough anabolic activity to allow cortisol to break down muscles
  • does not cause water retention

Usage with other medications

As you have already read above, the drug has enough advantages and is well combined with other steroids. It is often used in cycles for mass gaining, as it provides a stable high-quality results.


The use of post-cycle therapy after taking anabolic drugs really significantly shortens the recovery period. In most cases, even the use of short cycles helps to lower your own testosterone. Therefore, after each cycle, it is advisable to help the body to adjust the production of its own hormones and preserve your results.

For PCT after a Boldenone cycle, Tamoxifen is recommended. It is advisable to start taking the drug after Boldenone solo in a week, 1 tab. every day for 30 days. It will help lower estrogen levels and give positive dynamics in the production of your own testosterone.

Side effects

Common side effects

Estrogenic: The substance tends to aromatize in the body, what can cause such side effects:

  • water retention
  • body weight gain
  • gynecomastia

These side effects are usually not present unless you take more than 200-400 mg per week. However, if they do occur, use Clomiphene or Tamoxifen.

Androgenic: Also, if you increase the standard dosage of a substance, you may experience

  • oily skin
  • acne
  • body / facial hair growth
  • male pattern baldness (rare)

In women, it is possible:

  • decreased voice
  • menstrual irregularities
  • changes in skin texture
  • facial hair growth
  • enlargement of the clitoris

Cardiovascular: Steroids can sometimes have detrimental effects on serum cholesterol levels, thereby provoking:

  • effects on blood pressure and the level of triglycerides
  • increased risk of heart disease or myocardial infarction

To avoid negative effects on the cardiovascular system, you should maintain an active exercise program for the cardiovascular system and minimize the consumption of saturated fat, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates during the active intake of AAS.

Testosterone Suppression: Almost all anabolic androgenic steroids inhibit endogenous testosterone production. However, its level should normalize within 1-4 months, but you can also take substances to maintain its level and undergo PCT.

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