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Turinabol is used to increase lean muscle mass, strength and endurance. It has potent anabolic effects while minimizing androgenic characteristics. Popular choice for beginners. 40-60mg/day for 6-12 weeks

  • Turinabol (Tbol) 25mg/50tabs - NovoPharm

    Turinabol (Tbol) 25mg/50tabs - NovoPharm

    Turinabol’s main benefit is its strong improvement of strength performance with little mass growth, which is great for track and field athletics, wrestling, boxing or powerlifting.

    • Usage: Men 40-60 mg/day
    • Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results 
    • Aromatization: No.
    • Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for another 2 weeks
    • Stack With: Winstrol/Anavar (cutting) or Testosterone Enanthate/Sustanon for bulking

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • Turinabol (Tbol) 20mg/50tabs - Apoxar

    Turinabol (Tbol) 20mg/50tabs - Apoxar

    Turinabol is a classic anabolic steroid in oral form. A milder form of methandienone (Dianabol), less gains but less side effects.

    • Usage: Men 40-60 mg/day
    • Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results 
    • Aromatization: none
    • Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 20-40mg for 2-4 weeks
    • Stack With: Winstrol/Anavar (cutting), Testosterone Enanthate for bulking

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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Turinabol is an anabolic steroid that increases the athlete's overall endurance and allows you to build up the volume of strong muscles quickly. It is one of the most popular steroids in bodybuilding as it helps the body achieve the most important results and has a beneficial effect on muscle strength. Athletes most commonly use Turinabol before a competition and for fat burning. Also, if it is consumed correctly, it has almost no side effects. The drug was first developed by the German pharmaceutical company Jenapharm and patented in 1961. For clinical use, the product was introduced in 1965.

The steroid is considered the safest for health since almost the only possible side effect is liver dysfunction. If the course duration is observed and the recommended dosages are used, adverse effects on the part of the body are practically excluded. The standard course lasts no more than six weeks. As practice shows, for a 6-week course, it is possible to increase from 4 to 6 kg. Also, the indicators of physical strength and endurance are guaranteed to grow.

Today the drug is represented by a wide variety of manufacturers (Turinabol Magnus, JW, Randall, and several other brands). The sale of Turinabol by manufacturers is now carried out in many countries, although relatively recently, it was problematic to purchase the drug. Now it is effortless to buy Turinabol in a pharmacy; you can also order Turinabol online.

Effects of Turinabol:

  1. Increased strength - the drug is known to increase stability during the cycle significantly. Its usage is widely spread among wrestlers, boxers, swimmers, and hockey players. In general, the drug is very often used to improve results in entirely different sports.
  2. Increased muscle mass - strength indicators significantly increase, and as a result, the testosterone hormone's content in the blood increases. A course of Turinabol gives 5 kg in 5 weeks an average.
  3. A significant increase in the user's stamina during training - the risk of blood clots is reduced, ensuring the cardiovascular system's maintenance in good shape. From the beginning of taking the drug, the jump will not be sharp, but sure. Experienced athletes often mix and use Turinabol with other steroids to achieve even better results.

Turinabol Benefits

  • The drug's principal active ingredient is 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone, which has almost no androgenic activity and does not cause severe liver damage.

  • The Turinabol course is equally well suited for both professionals and beginners, and even women.

  • The drug does not retain water, which attracts many athletes, including swimmers. It is perfect for those who want to perform competent body drying.

  • Turinabol helps improve performance. In the old days, this product was used as a doping drug, and it was in good demand. Now Turinabol is one of the most studied steroid products and has been tested by about 10 thousand athletes in Germany. Initially, doping was secret, but then in the 1990s, Franke and Berendonk concluded how well it was tested if referring to medals and world records.

  • Turinabol promotes the synthesis of cellular protein, is involved in nitrogen retention, and increases the number of red blood cells. It reduces blood clotting, and thanks to these factors, it increases the anabolic effect.

  • The product is advanced and combines several chemicals, so it is almost unflavored. The chemical properties of the drug are similar to Dianabol. Still, this product is a milder hormone, which means that the athletes who use it do not risk facing such a problem as gynecomastia.

  • Another benefit is its cumulative effect, that is, the longer you take it, the better the result will be. However, it also takes some time for the drug to manifest itself at full strength. A nice plus is that even if you stop taking the medication after a few months, the muscles will remain strong, and the level of strength and endurance will not fall.

  • Libido and sexual activity are increased. This point should also be noted, as it is an advantage for some users.

  • Taking the drug serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • This drug is often used in bodybuilding. For example, here is a review by one professional athlete, Artem:- There is no big sport without the use of sports pharmacology. If I don't take steroids, I won't have a chance to compete. My goal is competition, fame, and earnings, and for this, I am ready for anything.

  • Turinabol is milder than other anabolic steroids. However, this is compensated by the lower frequency of undesirable effects. That is why an increasing number of athletes are trying to buy a remedy.

  • Following the example of another bodybuilder, the effectiveness of the drug can be noted. I exercise a lot, and until I started taking Turinabol, my muscles were almost invisible. So, nothing special, like that of an ordinary athlete. After the first solo course, the effect was slightly better. But then I took a break and, on the advice of my coach, began to take Turinabol with Sustanon. The effect immediately exceeded expectations because the muscles finally became like a bodybuilder. There are almost no side effects. No rashes like other steroids. No problems with potency. I am satisfied, now I periodically drink courses.- Petr Ivashechkin, bodybuilder, 32 years old.

Administration and Dosage

A steroid is intended for internal use, is produced in the form of capsules or tablets; you need to take it daily. The standard dosage per tablet is 10 milligrams. Often, male bodybuilders take several pills per day to achieve the best effect, while female athletes are advised to limit themselves to one capsule.

It is essential to use the product in compliance with all the rules and recommended dosages. If it is necessary to increase muscle endurance, it is enough to use between 20 and 40 mg; this is the usual dose for a beginner. This is quite enough for quick recovery, and therefore muscle growth. If you want to get the most from the drug, increase your daily dosage to 80-100 mg.

The T-bol cycle varies depending on what you need it for. If you need it solely for your anabolic goals, consume a minimum of 40 mg/day. This will increase muscle endurance, help the body recover faster, and increase strength. You can achieve the best results by combining a steroid with testosterone. This duo has excellent anabolic properties and can be used by men for no more than 6 to 8 weeks. But do not combine Randall Turinabol and other drug variations with Dianabol, Anadrol, or Halotestin and Anavar. This applies to both oral and injectable products.

For women, the dosage should be significantly reduced compared to the norms for men. With active sports, you should consume from 2.5 to 5 mg daily. If a woman exceeds the dosage, she may face manifestations of virilization. If you need to get excellent results in building muscle mass in women, Turinabol should be combined with other anabolic steroids (Anavar, Primobolan). The course can be no more than six weeks.

Experts advise dividing the daily dose into three doses to reduce the load on the liver and balance the hormonal background.

Side Effects

In men:

  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract
  • acne
  • aggressive behavior

In women:

  • psychiatric disorders
  • virilization
  • liver disease
  • infertility

All these symptoms are minimal, and, as a rule, are associated with non-compliance with dosages. However, it is worth remembering that adolescents should use caution with incomplete growth and development.