Products for Women
Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 50mcg/50tabs - Apoxar
Clenbuterol is powerful weight loss agent that raises the temperature of your body a bit to turn fat storage into energy.
- Dosage: 20-120 mcg/day
- Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks for optimal results
- On Cycle: add Ketotifen to reduce side effects and extend the cycle
- PCT: not required
- Stack With: stack well with T3, Cardarine, or T4.
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$80.00 -
Primobolan Tabs 20mg/50tabs - Apoxar
Oral Primobolan is considered to be one of the mildest steroids. Methenolone was manufactured to provide good anabolic properties while avoiding the manifestation of side effects.
- Usage: Men 50-100 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: No.
- Post Cycle Therapy: No.
- Stack With: Anavar 40-60mg/day for cutting
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$100.00 -
Cardarine - GW501516 (Fat Loss) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms
Cardarine is the best SARM for weight loss and fat burning. Can be combine with any other SARM, peptide or steroid agent for more potent effect. Perfect anabolic agent for females.
- Usage: 10-20mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results
Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$100.00 -
Primobolan Depot 100mg/mL - Apoxar
Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) aka Primoject 100mg/mL can help you work off some excess weight or water for summer. Mild, safe cutting steroid.
- Usage: inject 400-600mg once a week
- Cycle Duration: 8-10 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: no
- Post Cycle Therapy: 2 weeks Nolvadex 40mg/day, 2 weeks 20mg/day
- Stack With: Anavar at 40-60mg/day is the best option
Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$120.00 -
Ostarine - MK2866 (Muscle Mass/Fat Loss) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms
This SARM significantly improves muscle mass and physical performance, increases bone strength, and collagen metabolism.
- Will keep muscle tissue, stimulate recovery & endurance
- Usage: 20-30mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 6-8 weeks for optimal results
- PCT: Not required
- Stack With: Other SARMs like Andarine, MK677, Cardarine.
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$90.00 -
PT-141 (Libido/Sex drive) 10mg - Apoxar
PT-141 (Bremelatonide) is the world's first FDA-approved injectable peptide widely used by men and women as an effective treatment of sexual disorders.
- Usage: 1 to 4 mg in two-three hours before sex
- Cycle Duration: not limited
- Safety: PT-141 is a safe and well-tolerated compound.
- Side Effects: Minor headaches, less intense than Viagra or Cialis tension-type headaches.
- Stack With: nothing, works solo best
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$45.00 -
Ventipulmin Clen Pump - Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 355mL 25mcg/pump
Clen Pump - Clenbuterol HCl 25mcg/pump, 355mL
- Powerful Fat Burner
- Improves Performance
- Use Ketotifen To Avoid Side Effects
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$220.00 -
Primobolan 100mg/ml - NovoPharm
Methenolone Enanthate is one of the safest steroids. Produces average gains but builds dry, high-quality muscles.
- Usage: Inject 400-600mg once a week
- Cycle Duration: 8-10 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: no
- Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 20-40mg for 2-4 weeks
- Stack With: Anavar 40-60mg/day
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$130.00 -
Primobolan Tabs 20mg/50tabs - Novo-Pharm
Methenolone Acetate is a steroid with mild effects and no traditionally expected side effects. No toxic effects on the liver.
- Usage: 50-100 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: no
- Post Cycle Therapy: no
- Stack With: Anavar 40-60mg/day for cutting
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$120.00 -
Somatropin 100IU Growth Hormone HGH - Apoxar
Growth Hormone — recommended for muscle building, fat loss, anti-aging and injury healing.
- Usage: 2-3iu's for healing/anti-aging, 4-6iu's for muscle growth
- Cycle Duration: a minimum of 6 months
Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
Regular Price: $400.00
Special Price $330.00
Cytomel T3 - Fat Loss 25mcg/100tabs - Apoxar
Cytomel T3 is a thyroid hormone that is widely used by bodybuilders for weight loss. Want to burn fat fast? T3 is a way to go.
- Effective fat burner for both men and women
- Usage: 25-75 mcg/day
- Cycle Duration: 4-7 weeks for optimal results
- Stack With: Works great with Clen and Cardarine
Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$80.00 -
Anavar - Oxandrolone 20mg/50tabs - Apoxar
Anavar is a safe & powerful oral gear, great for cutting cycles and first steroid cycle.
- Usage: Men 40-80 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: No.
- Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 20-40mg for 2-4 weeks
- Stack With: Winstrol for weight loss, Primobolan for lean muscle
Quality Guaranteed
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$120.00 -
Ibutamoren - MK-677 (Oral HGH) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms
MK-677 increases Growth Hormone secretion (one of the most desirable hormones for bodybuilders). Allows you to retain most of your post-cycle results
- Usage: 20-30 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks
- Aromatization: none
- Post Cycle Therapy: not required
- Stack With: LGD-4033 or LGD-3033
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$100.00 -
HGH Nurotropin - Growth Hormone 120IU
Growth Hormone - great for muscle gains, which stays after cycle. Recommended for fat loss and injury healing. One of the most popular anti-aging compounds.
- For muscle growth in begginers: 5-8IU per day.
- For weight loss and anti-aging: 2-3IU per day.
- Cycle Duration: 3-6 months for optimal results.
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$450.00 -
Andarine - S4 (Muscle Mass) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms
Andarine is not as potent as some other SARMs in terms of muscle gain, but it is a great solution to increase strength and endurance, burn fat and increase testosterone level, improve bones and muscles density.
- Less potent then other SARMs
- Minimal side effects
- Builds Lean Muscle
- Usage: 30-50 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks
Quality Guaranteed
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$70.00 -
HGH-176-191 (Fat Loss) 5mg - Apoxar
HGH-176-191 is an effective anti-obesity agent. More effective for weight loss than regular growth hormone (HGH).
- Increased Metabolism (no bloog sugar issues)
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Ideal for cutting
- Usage: 200-500 mcg/day
- Cycle Duration: 6-8 weeks
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$45.00 -
Clenbuterol (Fat Loss) 40mcg/60tabs - NovoPharm
Clenbuterol is a powerful fat burning agent, great addition to any cutting cycle. Non-steroidal.
- Powerful Fat Burner
- Usage: 20-100 mcg/day
- Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks for optimal results
- On Cycle Therapy: Ketotifen
- Stack With: Stacks well with T3, Yohimbe, Cardarine.
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$90.00 -
Cytomel T3 25mcg/100tabs - NovoPharm
Cytomel T3 is a thyroid hormone that is widely used by bodybuilders for weight loss. Want to burn fat fast? T3 is the way to go.
- Significantly lowers body fat %
- Can be Taken by Both Men and Women
- Usage: Men 25-75 mcg/day
- Cycle Duration: 4-7 weeks for optimal results
- Stack With: Combines very well with Clen, Cardarine and Cutting Steroid agents
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$90.00 -
Anavar - Oxandrolone 20mg/60tabs - NovoPharm
Anavar Oxandrolone is one of the safest anabolic steroids, suitable for both younger beginner athletes and women.
- Usage: Men 40-80 mg/day
- Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results
- Aromatization: No.
- Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 20-40mg ED for 2 weeks
- Stack With: Low-calorie diet and Test Prop for cutting
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$140.00 -
Copper Peptide (Injury Support, Anti-Aging) 10mg/ml - Innovagen
Copper Peptide - GHK-Cu 10mg/ml, 10ml. Contians Lidocaine 1% and Bupivacaine 0.25%
Mainly used as an anti-ageing ingredient in skincare. Promote wound healing, collagen stimulation and attraction of immune cells.
Usage: 1.5-2mg per day, intramuscular injection.
Cycle Duration: 5-10 days for optimal results.
Repeat cycle: 1-2 times a year.
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$70.00Out of stock
Ketotifen (Removes Clen Side Effects) 1mg/60tabs - Pharmacy Grade
Ketotifen is an antihistimine that prolongs the effective use of Clenbuterol and similar fat burners. Has extra anti-oxydative effects.
- Eliminates Clenbuterol and Albuterol side effects, including trembling hands, high blood pressure and nausea
- Use with Clenbuterol to increase effectiveness and duration of the cutting cycle
- Dosage: 1mg for 100mcg of Clenbuterol per day
Increases Strength
Improves Sex Drive
Muscle Gains
$80.00Out of stock