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Cardarine - GW501516

Cardarine is a best SARM for weight loss and fat burning. Can be combine with any other SARM, peptide or steroid agent for more potent effect. Perfect anabolic agent for females. 10-20mg/day 8-12 weeks

  • Cardarine - GW501516 (Fat Loss) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms

    Cardarine - GW501516 (Fat Loss) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms

    Cardarine is the best SARM for weight loss and fat burning. Can be combine with any other SARM, peptide or steroid agent for more potent effect. Perfect anabolic agent for females.

    • Usage: 10-20mg/day
    • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results 

    Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • Super Cardarine (GW-0742) 10mg/60tabs - NeoSARMs

    Super Cardarine (GW-0742) 10mg/60tabs - NeoSARMs

    GW-0742 Super Cardarine, while bearing major similarities to its predecessor GW-501516 (aka Cardarine), has an additional hydrogen atom, which boosts its potency. Same thing, in simple terms, but with an improved efficiency and binding affinity. Consider it Cardarine 2.o.

    • Usage: 10-25 mg ED
    • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks
    • On-Cycle Therapy: not needed
    • Stacks: Ostarine, Ligandrol, Andarine, RAD-140, MK-677

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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Cardarine is one of the most effective fat burners, whose action is aimed at accelerating the process of lipolysis in the body. The drug increases endurance and explosive strength has a powerful anti-catabolic effect. It does not disrupt metabolism, does not cause weakness, and a decrease in blood sugar levels.

GW-501517 is a useful bodybuilding supplement, great for both developing incredible endurance and effective weight loss. Whether you are a cardio fan or you just want to lose weight, it can help to increase your session time. Every day you will be able to devote more time to training, you will have more energy over a long period, and you will be able to do much more effort than before.

Cardarine was developed in 1992 by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline for the treatment of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. It has high efficiency in the process of fat oxidation and their further breakdown, and at the same time metabolism is stabilized, which is perfect.

The drug is of great benefit to professional athletes who are preparing for competitions. It has become an indispensable companion to many athletes during the pre-season. It is one of the most useful fitness and health tools today. You can buy Cardarine at a pharmacy or make an online order from Canada.

Effects of Cardarine:

  • Burns fat

  • Provokes an increase in the amount of energy consumed by muscle tissue

  • Increases endurance and performance

  • Increases explosive power

  • Improves well-being

Benefits of Cardarine:

  • If you follow the correct training regimen, perform the right type of exercise, control the diet, and other factors, then the first results after using Cardarine will be visible after 2 weeks.

  • GW501517 has a powerful anti-catabolic effect that stimulates muscle fibers to use subcutaneous fat as an energy source. Cardarine can be used to reduce the likelihood of obesity. It does a great job without too much hard work in a gym, and what is also important - it does not cause weakness and low blood sugar levels.

  • Another advantage of using the drug is more visible relief and vascularity, achieved without catabolic effects inherent in other fat burners and drugs. You usе the nutrients you consume more efficiently every day while reducing the percentage of fat and carbohydrates stored as adipose tissue. So, GW 501516 is not only a fat burner or anti-catabolic but also a little anabolic as well.

  • When using the drug with SARMs, Cardarinе enhances the anabolic effect, which means that the result will be better. Besides, to achieve high results, you should follow a low-calorie diet and lead an active lifestyle. The drug helps to reduce recovery time after intense workouts to help you reach your goals faster, improve strength and endurance.

  • The drug can be combined with almost all other selective modulators. For example, in conjunction with Trenbolone, Cardarine not only enhances the effectiveness of the cycle but also prevents all side effects from the other. You can also consider using these two drugs as an option.

  • Clenbuterol and T3 are popular fat burners on the market. However, Cardarine has one invaluable advantage over its background. It does not decrease cardiovascular activity and it reduces weight by burning fat rather than muscle.


The drug is taken orally, one hour after breakfast. The standard dose for an athlete is 10-15 mg per day. The duration of the course is 8-12 weeks.

The half-life of the drug is 16 to 24 hours. That is, if your dose is 10 mg, then you should use it one time per day; and if the dosage is 20 mg, then it should be divided into two with an interval of 12 hours.

If you want to combine the drug with something else, you will not have any problems either. Before you start taking the drug, be sure to consult with your doctor to prescribe specific instructions.

Cardarine does not affect your body's testosterone production, so post cycle therapy is not necessary.

Side Effects

The pleasant fact is that the drug has no side effects. It remains only not to overdo it.