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Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - Apoxar

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - Apoxar

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Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Testosterone

Dosage and packing: 250 mg/ml (10 ml)

Testosterone Enanthate - is used as main compound for most of the cycles.

  • Usage: Inject 500-1000mg once a week
  • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: Yes. Requires Arimidex - 1mg - each other day during the cycle
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex - 20-40mg per day for 3-4 weeks
  • Stack With: Dianabol (for bulking), Winstrol (for lean muscle)

Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results

Testosterone Enanthate

General Info

Testosterone Enanthate is a long-acting steroid, one of the most common muscle-building steroids. It is a slow-release ester of natural testosterone. It is also one of the most affordable anabolic steroids on the market, as it is well tolerated by the body, particularly by men. The main benefit of testosterone enanthate is a pronounced increase in both muscle mass and strength, which is why it is well appreciated by weightlifters and powerlifters.

The drug often helps to eliminate joint problems, for those who complain of pain and crunching in the shoulders, and for those who have the first signs of wear on the intervertebral discs. Testosterone enanthate stimulates the regeneration processes in the body, enhances the overall tone and desire to exercise, and prevents overtraining. It increases the oxygen capacity of the blood, promotes rapid weight gain, this is associated with a significant accumulation of water in the body.


It is ideal for treating low testosterone levels in your body and is mostly needed by men, although women might need it as well. A man with a low testosterone level has problems with physical, mental, and sexual health, they often provoke symptoms to more serious diseases, so they must be immediately dealt with.

Increased protein synthesis raises the level of anabolic activity and, as a result, improves the body's capacity to recover. Nitrogen retention is also enhanced, which improves tissue growth ability, especially when dieting when it comes to protecting muscle tissue. Increasing the number of blood cells contributes to our greater muscular endurance and affects faster recovery.

How to take

Testosterone enanthate is injected intramuscularly, deep into the gluteus muscle. Use 22-25g syringes with a needle 1-1,5 inch long for intramuscular injections. The dosage regimen is selected individually, depending on the disease, gender, age, and desirable clinical effect. The drug should not be administered intravenously!

The standard course for this drug is 100-200 mg every 7-10 days, but some may need doses of 200-400 mg every 2-3 weeks, and in some cases every 4 weeks.

Possible Side Effects

A big problem when using testosterone enanthate in bodybuilding is its powerful ability to convert to estrogens (female sex hormones), аs a result, gynecomastia, edema, female-type fat deposition, etc. often develop. To fight this, the use of anti-estrogen drugs is often recommended.

Testosterone enanthate also induces side effects such as acne, increased blood pressure, aggression, hair loss, and few others.

Women should avoid taking the drug, as virilization is very likely.


Typically, a course of testosterone enanthate lasts 8-10 weeks, and after 2-3 weeks post-cycle therapy is performed. Although very often it continues to be used for longer to achieve the best results, it is then necessary to follow an appropriate diet with the consumption of sports nutrition.

To withdraw the development of estrogenic side effects, it is advisable to use aromatase inhibitors or Proviron, beginning from 2-3 weeks, you can stop taking aromatase inhibitors one week after the end of the cycle. It is recommended that estradiol levels be tested before and during the use of aromatase inhibitors to monitor their effectiveness. Also, cortisol blockers should be used as PCT, to maintain the gained mass, immediately after the enanthate course.

For gaining muscle mass, testosterone enanthate goes well with Anadrostenolone, Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone, and Trenbolone. For drying and relief, the course is supplemented with Winstrol or Anavar in medium dosages.

Popular Questions/Answers

Those taking this drug are advised to stick to a healthy lifestyle, a cholesterol-safe diet rich in omega fatty acids, but exclude saturated fats and simple sugars. It is also advised to start taking fish oil daily.

After the end of the drug intake, it is recommended to undergo post-cycle therapy, especially for men. You may not need to take the post-therapy course, but then it will take much more time. This steroid is not toxic to the liver and you don't need to worry about damaging a vital organ.

In the event of androgen-dependent adverse reactions, testosterone treatment should be discontinued. After the side effects disappear, resume treatment at lower doses.


It is an ideal steroid for those who are just starting to use them and also for those who spend a lot of time in the saddle. This drug is synthetic testosterone, a hormone that is essential for the well-being of our body and health. It has some side effects, but they are very easy to control. The drug has an androgenic effect, which causes masculinization and virilization phenomena, and an anabolic effect, which promotes muscle growth.

Depending on metabolism and hormonal levels, the average duration of taking this drug is 2-3 weeks. In bodybuilding, eventing, and weightlifting, injections are given once or twice a week to maintain a consistently high and as stable concentration as possible. If you have problems with low testosterone levels, then bear in mind that only testosterone enanthate can fully cope with this.


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  1. Revy



    I'm pissed no one wrote on this topic. This lab is better than any other on the Canadian market. I ran Test E with their Cut-Mix and it was great. This lab is very reliable and trustworthy. I have never got a bad batch or not been satisfied. My sex drive was through the roof. Gained more than 20 lbs in 10 weeks, obviously with water retention.
    Excellent results and significantly helped me with strength and recovery. No pip completely smooth and easy to pin.


    Great stuff. Libido was super duper amazing.

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