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Parabolan 100mg/ml - Apoxar

Parabolan 100mg/ml - Apoxar

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Parabolan 100mg/ml

  • Usage: Inject 100-200mg 2-3 times a week
  • Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: No, but may increase prolactin level and cause gynecomastia. So, use with Caber. 0.5-1 mg twice a week, 8-10 weeks
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Clomid 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Dianabol or Testosterone Enanthate. Not recommended to combine with Clen/Ephedrine

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Apoxar Parabolan

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate

Classification: Anabolic Steroid
Androgenic 500
Anabolic 500
Standard nandrolone Acetate
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity Moderate
Water Retention: Yes
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity Yes
Active Half-life: 14 days
Recommended Dosage: 150-500 mg/week

Parabolan s active ingredient is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.Trenbolone Hex is a slow-acting ester of Trenbolone. Trenbolone Hex's half-life is almost two weeks compared to Trenbolone s acetate half-life of 1-2 days, which gives Parabolan an advantage of being more convenient to use because of less frequent injections.
Parabolan displays an unusual tissue-building activity that is three times greater than its androgenic side.
It is considered the most potent commercially available steroid on the market.
Parabolan milligram per milligram is 2-3 times more powerful than Testosterone. Its chemical structure is resistant to aromatize enzyme, that is why Parabolan will not convert to estrogen and DHT. Its entire administration dosage will work towards muscle-building.
Some Pro athletes characterized Parabolan as a compound that is two times stronger than Test and Dianabol but with no estrogen-related side effects.

Parabolan Administration Women

Parabolan is an absolute NO for use in women. Being a strong androgen provides a high risk of virilization and masculinization.

Apoxar Parabolan Administration Men

Recommended dosage range 150-500 mg/week
Recommended cycle length 6-12 weeks

Most Common Usage

We do not recommend using Apoxar Parabolan on its own. Parabolan is combined with Winstrol or Primobolan in pre-contest cycles. This combination provides a great density and hardness to the muscles.
Parabolan is also used in mass building cycles when combined with Dianabol or Testosterone; please note that some water retention may occur.
And if the goal is to gain lean muscle mass, with minimum water retention, then Parabolan is combined with such compounds as Deca or Equipose.

Effective Cycles

Parabolan / Testosterone Cypionate Cycle
Intermediate Level
Primary Goal: Mass Gains
1 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
2 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
3 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
4 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
5 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
6 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
7 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
8 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
9 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
10 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
11 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate
12 Week 200 mg/week Parabolan 500 mg/week Testosterone Cypionate

Parabolan / Test Enanthate /Primobolan/Winstrol
Advanced Level
Main Goal: Lean Mass Gains
1 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate
2 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate
3 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
4 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
5 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
6 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
7 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
8 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
9 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
10 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
11 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol
12 Week 500 mg/week Parabolan 100 mg/week Testosterone Enanthate /50 mg/day Primobolan and Winstrol

Possible side effects

Parabolan does not aromatize nor has any estrogenic activity. However, Parabolan shows a strong binding affinity for the progesterone receptors, which is why it is not recommended to combine Parabolan with other compounds that have a progestogenic activity (Nandrolone, Oxymetholone).

Parabolan is considered an anabolic steroid, but it also shows moderate androgenic activity. Higher than recommended dosages could lead to oily skin, acne and aggravate male hair loss, mainly if you have a genetic predisposition.

Parabolan has low hepatotoxicity and has a moderate impact on the liver at recommended dosage and cycle length.

Natural Testosterone Suppression
Most steroids taken in doses to promote muscle gains will suppress endogenous test production. Clinical trials showed that Parabolan suppression of gonadotropins is 2-3 times stronger compared to injectable Testosterone.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

The main goal of PCT is to get your natural Test levels back to normal.
Other advantages of proper PCT are maintaining muscle gains and getting all the body systems back on track.
Before you start the cycle itself, get the supplies for your PCT.
PCT is not a choice. It is a Responsibility.

Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Trenbolone

Dosage and packing: 76 mg/ml (10 ml)

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