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Cabergoline Loose Pills 2mg/5tabs - Pharmacy Grade

Cabergoline Loose Pills 2mg/5tabs - Pharmacy Grade


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  • Anti Prolactine
  • Use during Deca and Tren Cycle
  • Prevents “Prolactine Gyno”
  • 0.5 mg twice a week

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Cabergoline General Description

Cabergoline is a drug that suppresses the production of prolactin in the body. In addition, it tends to enhance erection and libido, reduce the refractory period of sexual function and lower blood pressure. The drug is included as part of the group of wormwood alkaloid derivatives. Based on its principle of action, it is considered to be an agonist of dopamine D2 receptors. Cabergoline is a safer replacement for bromocriptine.

Cabergoline is commonly used in sports to eliminate primary undesirable effects caused by anabolic steroids like trenbolones, Deca and others. A decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the body leads to one of the most highly valued effects in sports – a decrease in water retention in muscle fibers, which ensures an increase in quality muscle. Prolactin is a type of peptide hormone that directly affect reproduction and the quality of sex life, and is able to influence the concentration of testosterone.

Active prolactin production in women occurs during breastfeeding. In men, the hormone is responsible for sexual activity, mood and the sense of alertness. The peptide hormone is able to affect the emotional state of an athlete, but the production of prolactin also depends on behavior, which results in a sort of a vicious cycle – when a man is depressed, the production of prolactin increases, and if he’s in a good mood, then the secretion of the peptide hormone is significantly reduced due to a surge in dopamine.

Cabergoline Benefits

Cabergoline affects the estrogen receptors of the pituitary gland. Dopamine is called the hormone of happiness, which is produced primarily during sleep or emotional upsurge. Cabergoline stimulates the production of dopamine in the body, which inhibits the production of prolactin. This property results in the following positive effects:

  • strengthened immune resistance, increased protective properties of the body;
  • increased libido and sexual vigor;
  • increased production of natural testosterone;
  • normalized emotional state;
  • eliminated progestin activity of steroids, which removes gynecomastia symptoms and flaccid erection;
  • increased effectiveness of anabolic steroids.

Many athletes experience accelerated refractory periods between sexual activity during Cabergoline cycles. The effect of the drug on the body improves physical well-being and emotional health. In some situations, however, the active agent can lead to lowered blood pressure, which is why it is not recommended for athletes with hypotension.

In sports, bodybuilding in particular, Cabergoline is used during cycles of nandrolones, trenbolones and other anabolic drugs with high progestin activity. It is also used in cases of elevated prolactin concentrations. After usage, athletes note such positive effects as improved mood, increased effectiveness of training, emotional stability and a decrease in the risk of developing undesirable side effects caused by anabolic steroids.

Due to a high concentration of testosterone men feel more powerful and confident. Athletes become polygamous, unable to make allowances or concessions. Due to the low level of prolactin, mental stability increases and users become more independent from the opinions of others. In addition to shortening the refractory periods between sexual intercourse, some men may also experience an increase in the size of genitals.

Cabergoline Possible Side Effects

Adverse reactions of Cabergoline are manifested in cases of individual intolerances to the active agent or significant increases of recommended dosages. Excessive dosage leads to a rapid decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the body, which is fraught with reduced appetite, insomnia, dizziness, constipation, nausea, skin rash, labored breathing, depressed mood, peripheral oedema, low blood pressure. Before using Cabergoline, it is necessary to test for the concentration of prolactin in the body.

Cabergoline Administration and Dosage

Cabergoline is often used in sports in the traditional regimen of 0.25 mg of the active agent once every 4 days. When the concentration of prolactin significantly exceeds the normal values, it is used at 0.25 mg once every two days until the level of the peptide hormone is reduced to the normal level, after which the drug is taken in the traditional regimen. In addition to the abovementioned positive properties of Cabergoline, the use of the drug during a steroid cycle eliminates adverse reactions in the form of face swelling and excessive fluid accumulation in muscle tissue.

The drug can be used in sports not only during an anabolic steroid cycle with high progestin activity, but Cabergoline can also enhance the effect of steroid substances and improve the users’ sex life. In this case, 0.5 mg of the active agent is used every 10 days. Cabergoline can be used as an additional drug during post-cycle therapy if a high concentration of prolactin is observed in the body. The optimal dosages are 0.25 mg once every seven days throughout PCT.

Cabergoline Combined Cycles

Combined cycles see the optimal regimen of using Cabergoline to reduce prolactin concentration as follows:

  • For a cycle of anabolic drugs with high progestin activity (trenbolones, nandrolone) 0.25 mg is taken (a whole tablet or a half, depending on the packaging) every 7-21 days, starting at week 3-4 of the cycle, when the concentration of steroids in the body is at maximum. Dosages are calculated based on the tests for prolactin.
  • In case of an increase in prolactin concentration greater than the permissible level, the intake frequency should be increased to 0.25 mg once every 4 days. Tablets can be taken at different times of the day, during meals or on an empty stomach. The method of administration does not affect the absorption rate of the active agent.

Brand: Pharmacy Grade

Substance: Cabergoline

Dosage and packing: 2 mg/tab (5 tabs)

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