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Skin, Hair & Sleep

Here at Muscle Gear Store state of the art hair treatment products can be found. It is a fact that millions of dollars are spent each year for gorgeous skin and long hair. Commercial beauty products don’t worth it so they should never be a priority. Natural ingredients on the other hand are proven to be the best.

  • Zolpidem 10mg 30 tablets - GEN

    Zolpidem 10mg 30 tablets - GEN

    Insomnia treatment medication. Promotes faster sleep onset and helps you get your sleep schedule back on track.

    • Usage: 1 tablet 30 minutes before bed.
    • Cycle Duration: 2-4 weeks before a pause.
    • Storage: Store at room temperature, protected form direct sun light.
    • Manufacturer: GEN Pharmaceuticals, India.
    • Stack With: Melatonin as a natural sleep aid.

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • Zopiclone 7.5mg/30 tablets - Generic

    Zopiclone 7.5mg/30 tablets - Generic

    Zopiclone is used as an efficient treatment for insomnia, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, with higher rest quality.

    • Usage: Take 7.5mg (one tablet) about 30 minutes before bedtime
    • Cycle Duration: 2–4 weeks of continuous use, then a 1-week pause
    • Aromatization: no, it’s not a hormonal compound, so no conversion to estrogen
    • Post Cycle Therapy: not required, does not suppress endogenous hormones
    • Stack With: Melatonin (for an additional natural sleep-aid effect) or mild anxiolytics

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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