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Somatropin 100IU Growth Hormone HGH - Apoxar

Somatropin 100IU Growth Hormone HGH - Apoxar

Regular Price: $400.00

Special Price $330.00

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Growth Hormone — recommended for muscle building, fat loss, anti-aging and injury healing.

  • Usage: 2-3iu's for healing/anti-aging, 4-6iu's for muscle growth
  • Cycle Duration: a minimum of 6 months

Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results

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Apoxar HGH Somatropin General Description

Somatropin, HGH or growth hormone is a protein that contains 191 acids. The production of this substance in the body is carried out in the frontal part of the pituitary gland. Somatropin is secreted in the highest concentration; this process lasts the whole life. When a person reaches 20 years of age, the secretion of the substance begins to gradually decrease by 15% with every decade. The basic concentration of the substance reaches a maximum in childhood, and the peak production is observed during puberty.

Recombinant somatotropin is very popular in sports due to the ability to reduce fat accumulation. Scientific studies have shown that injecting growth hormone results in the growth of lean muscles and connective fibers, as well as in increased muscle volume due to water retention. The positive properties of growth hormone include its ability to reduce the frequency of getting injured. This is due to its ability to strengthen bones, cartilage and tendons. The substance stimulates the recovery process.

The use of growth hormone is not advisable for all sports – it should not be used in powerlifting, as studies have shown that its use does not lead to an increase in strength performance. The hormone does not increase endurance and performance, but users may experience completely opposite reaction in the form of decreased fatigue resistance, which is why the drug should not be used by powerlifters.

Apoxar HGH Benefits

Somatotropin blocks numerous adverse processes in the human body and stimulates recovery. Most studies confirm that this hormone causes the body to reach a rejuvenated state of a couple of decades younger and produces the following positive reactions:

  • strengthened bone tissue, cartilage, tendons
  • fat loss;
  • enhanced immune resistance;
  • enhanced mental abilities;
  • reduced cholesterol concentration in the body;
  • increased sex drive.

The drug directly affects the secretory glands, stimulates muscle volume and various growth factors, normalizes metabolic processes in bone tissue. 
Somatotropin inhibits the effects of enzymes that have a destructive effect on amino acids, normalizes the production of collagen in bones, skin and other areas. It causes an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland and the number of cells in it and in other internal organs.

Apoxar HGH stimulates the reduction of body fat, which is why the concentration of fatty acids in the body is increased, thus inhibiting the action of insulin on the membrane glucose transporter. The recombinant drug is used in sports for improved body definition. The main advantages of the drug include its high efficiency, low risks of adverse reactions. Growth hormone does not affect penile erection and functioning of the genitals, it does not cause androgenic reactions, and after its usage athletes do not need to undergo post-cycle therapy. A cycle of one month results in the total weight increase of 3-4 kg, but in some situations it does not change due to a large loss of body fat.

Apoxar HGH Possible Side Effects

Neglecting the recommended dosages may lead to adverse reactions in the form of hyperglycemia, fluid retention in the tissues, repetitive stress injury, suppression of the thyroid gland function, hypertension. Reducing the dosage eliminates negative symptoms.

Apoxar HGH Administration and Dosage

Artificial somatotropin is considered a potent substance for accelerated muscle growth and rapid reduction of fat deposits. To achieve the desired effect of the recombinant hormone, users must strictly adhere to the proper rules of the use, i.e. diet, intense training and frequency of injections. HGH cycles and dosages vary based on the severity of physical training and the variety of sports activities. Track and field athletes use somatotropin at 8 units daily, but the same dosage would not be enough for weightlifters to effectively build up muscle volumes.

Bodybuilders can take 12-16 units of somatotropin every day; the duration of the cycle should be at least 3 months. The recombinant drug must be used in significant doses due to the fact that the receptors get used to the action of the drug in a short period of time, but it should not be used for a long time. After the hormone cycle users need to take a break equal to the duration of the cycle.
Somatotropin can be used for six months or more, but it is required to maintain the minimum dosage of 2-4 units daily. However, such a volume of the administered drug makes it impossible to achieve extensive hypertrophy of muscle fibers.

Apoxar HGH Combined Cycles

For hypertrophy of muscle tissue, it is necessary to combine growth hormone with concomitant drugs:

  • Androgenic steroid drugs are characterized by a pronounced anabolic effect and stimulated hypertrophy of muscle fibers, therefore they are often used alongside with growth hormone.
  • Insulin – its use is mandatory at high doses of growth hormone. It allows users to minimize the load on the pancreas, which, due to the action of growth hormone, accelerates its function and quickly exhausts its own resources, while also speeding up muscle growth. Insulin should be administered at 6-8 units each time before eating.
  • Thyroid hormones – stimulate metabolic processes and increase muscle volume. Adding these drugs to the somatotropin cycle allows for weakening the effects of growth hormone on the function of the thyroid gland. It is also worth noting that large doses of HGH may cause a change in the functioning of the thyroid gland in the form of hypothyroidism. Athletes that use large dosages of growth hormone should add triiodothyronine at 50 mg daily, separated into two administrations. The recommended dose of T3 should not be exceeded, as this can lead to loss of muscle volume.

To prevent local reactions, it is necessary to regularly change the location of subcutaneous injections, as over time users may develop lipoatrophy, which is a decrease in the fat layer in local areas.

Brand: Apoxar

Substance: HGH - Growth Hormone

Dosage and packing: 100iu


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  1. Terry




    All emails were answered in less than an hour.Tracking provided in 5 hours. Solid Hgh,good results.Good price.

  2. Troy



    thank you

    Everybody knows that Hgh is often underdosed of faked. Looks like I found my supplier.Thank you guys for saving me time and money.Hgh is a must at some point for everybody.