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Cialis - Tadalafil 20mg/60tabs - NovoPharm

Cialis - Tadalafil 20mg/60tabs - NovoPharm

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Cialis is essentially a more or less prolonged version of the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra. The main difference here is that Viagra can cause an erection for 6-8 hours and Cialis for 36-48 hours.

  • Usage: 10-20 mg/day

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Novo-pharm Cialis General Description

Cialis is a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor that is safest and most common. Tadalafil is the active agent of the drug. The medicine helps eliminate erectile dysfunction and maintain high sexual vigor. In the medical field, the drug is commonly used to treat diminished libido and erectile dysfunction. The drug's active agent affects the body's muscles. This Cialis property provides muscle fibers with as much blood saturation as possible – this is just what many bodybuilders are striving to achieve during training. Cialis is often used as a supplement for muscle-building drugs such as Arginine, Pentoxifylline and multiple nitrogen donors in sports.

Novo-pharm Cialis Benefits

Various athletes often use restoratives such as Cialis. Bodybuilders should take stimulants daily to normalize their sexual function and regain their full sexual performance. The drug's basic effect on the body is as follows: during sexual arousal, after type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibition with Tadalafil, unstriped muscles in the blood vessels are relaxed, increasing blood flow throughout the body, including the genitals.

 During the athletes' intake of Cialis, it is important that the drug does not affect penile erection in the absence of sexual excitement.
Novo-pharm Tadalafil remains active in the body for 36 hours, so in comparison with the classic Viagra its effect lasts much longer. Cialis stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, so that a large amount of nutrients is given to muscle fibers. Muscle pump will be maintained for a day and a half after intensive training and not just during the training itself. Cialis-induced muscle pump is close to the action of Wingastrol injections during practice – Tadalafil improves body fat reduction and increases athlete's strength.

Novo-pharm Cialis is preferred by athletes because its use has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • stimulated blood flow into the muscle fibers;
  • enhanced stamina, power and sexual function – athletes can do more workouts and increase training intensity;
  • increased high-quality muscle mass and improved athlete's mechanics – increased the proportion of beneficial strength exercises;
  • increased vascular lumens, optimized microcirculation, blood is saturated with a high amount of oxygen;
  • improved cognitive capacity, increased overall body health and improved psychological status.

The restorative does not adversely affect the health of patients who have no erectile function issues and are involved in sports based on speed and strength. Tadalafil does not cause disturbances of heart rate, changes in blood pressure or acute renal failure. Novo-pharm Cialis does not generate common reactions in the form of frequent headaches and high blood pressure compared to the popular Viagra.

The medication has no pronounced effect on increasing strength potential, it is safer to use appropriate anabolic steroids for this reason. Cialis' systematic use will enhance muscle definition even without maintaining a strict low-calorie intake of food, but only by following a healthy diet. Tadalafil helps to remove excess water and to reduce subcutaneous fat.

Cialis can be used for the same purposes as for men by female athletes. Stimulated genital blood flow increases sexual satisfaction in both genders, while athletes also note pronounced pump without side effects.

Novo-pharm Cialis Possible Side Effects

Most athletes are concerned about a possible side effect – prolonged erection without cause. These fears are unfounded, since Tadalafil does not function on its own – an erection only happens in the presence of sexual excitement or under the influence of sexual stimulation. Adverse reactions are likely during the use of Cialis in the form of back pain, redness of the face. If users follow the recommended dosages and the duration of use is not exceeded, Cialis will not produce negative reactions.

Novo-pharm Cialis Administration and Dosage

The drug should NOT be used on a daily basis to optimize the efficacy of the medication and avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions. Tablets should not be used more than 3 days a week in intensive sports training. Before or right after training, the drug must be administered. Tablets are taken orally, regardless of meal times. To remove the resistance of the body to Tadalafil, using the drug on non-training days must be excluded. A single dose of the drug is 5-10 mg. Users can take 20 mg a day to cure erectile dysfunction. The cycle should not last more than 4-6 weeks.

The use of Cialis in sports is a way to relax the walls of the vascular vessels. This property increases muscle blood flow, allowing users to promote metabolism and improve nutrient and oxygen saturation. It should be noted that Cialis is not an appropriate post-cycle therapy drug and can serve as a means of normalizing sexual function and improving muscle growth. It is important to use PCT drugs to recover the entire body after a cycle of anabolic androgenic drugs.

Cialis may be used in combination with Ritonavir, Erythromycin, Itraconazole to enhance Tadalafil's effect. The restorative can be added to a trenbolone cycle and other steroids that impair sexual function in order to normalize it, but the drug should not be used regularly.

Brand: Novo-Pharm

Substance: Cialis

Dosage and packing: 20mg per tab (60 tabs)


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  1. Pierre



    great product

    There is no product on the market better than real Cialis. Long half-life, stable and effective.

  2. James



    thank you

    I use Cialis from this supplier for more than 3 years, mostly after longer cycles on my PCT. Thanks, guys, for consistency!!!!!