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IGF-1 LR3 1000mcg/vial RECOMBINANT (not synthetic) - Apoxar

IGF-1 LR3 1000mcg/vial RECOMBINANT (not synthetic) - Apoxar


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Brand: Apoxar

Substance: IGF-1 – Insulin Growth Factor

Dosage and packing: 100mcg

As an active hormone, IGF-1 primarily functions to support muscle growth by increasing amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids. It also increases the number of cells in skeletal muscle, leading to increased muscle growth. IGF-1 is for long-term muscle growth. 

  • Usage: 80 mcg twice a day
  • Cycle Duration: 10-12 weeks 
  • Stack With: Works the best in combo with HGH

Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1)


Insulin-like Growth Factor, or IGF-1, is a protein hormone, which is primarily found in the liver. Naturally produced by the body, it is highly anabolic and especially important in childhood. Its synthetic version is identical to a natural hormone and is commonly used to treat IGF-1 deficiencies. In recent years it has become widespread in bodybuilding circles.

IGF-1 is actually responsible for the effects of HGH (Human Growth Hormone); HGH interacts with the liver, which releases IGF-1. It is similar in structure to insulin, and therefore, can lead to changes in blood sugar levels. Among athletes and bodybuilders, this hormone is highly appreciated because of many beneficial effects, such as the growth of lean muscle tissue and enhanced recovery process.

It should be noted that this hormone is the one that won’t be suitable for beginners, in most cases. It is almost always used with powerful steroids to enhance the result, and there are a lot of other compounds out there that will help a beginner achieve the result they want, without adding IGF-1.


IGF-1 is rarely used to lose fat in a cutting cycle, but it truly shines in a bulking stack or as a bridge between cycles. Its main function is to support growth by enhancing fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose. It will make any steroid cycle more effective and provide you with these benefits:

Mass gain

IGF-1 increases the number of muscle cells, which is great for mass gain. It also enhances nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, creating a highly anabolic environment in the body. This makes it a perfect compound for an off-season muscle gain and improves your gym sessions.

Better recovery

That’s where this hormone really stands out. Not only does it help promote physical recovery, but it literally heals joints, tendons and ligaments. Collagen function will be improved, so your bones and muscles become stronger. IGF-1 also positively affects your blood vessels and enhances bone density.


There are several types of IGF-1, but IGF-1 LR3 is the most common and probably, the only one you’ll be able to get your hands on. It has the same effects and functions as a standard IGF-1 but 2-3 times more potent. The half-life of this is 20-30 hours.

You can use IGF-1 in different ways: as a bridging compound, or together with anabolic steroids. Anyways, you’ll be running it for 4-6 weeks, then stop the usage for 4-6 weeks, and repeat if you want or need to.

50mcg per day is the safest dosage that will provide great results, but you will inject only 2-4 times a week post-workout. You can increase the dosagе later when you become sure of how your body reacts, though going higher than 120mcg will almost certainly bring about hypoglycemia.


Side effects of IGF-1 are relatively mild and easily controllable. Just stick to a moderate dosage and recommendations, and you’ll see little to no negative effects at all. Here’s what you have to be aware of:


IGF-1 affects blood sugar levels and leads to a hypoglycemic state in 40% of those who use it. To avoid this, include simple sugars with protein, simple and complex carbohydrates 15-20 min before the administration with a sufficient amount of food. Should you feel any symptoms of low blood sugar, immediately take more sugar-filled food or carbohydrate drink.

Organ growth and bone enlargement

This is where sensible doses and cycle lengths will play a major role. Side effects like growth of tonsil or kidneys, jaw or feet enlargement, etc. can appear when used at excessive doses and for a long time. However, irresponsible use is what can lead to such serious consequences, and advanced users are usually aware of their bodies’ reactions.

Increased cholesterol levels

A healthy lifestyle will help you prevent any cholesterol issues. Maintain a cholesterol-friendly diet and add a cardiovascular activity in your routine. You’ll need to take simple sugars when administrating IGF-1 but steer clear of them the rest of the time.

Rarely, IGF-1 can also cause joint pain or discomfort, although strengthening bones and joints. With any of the side effects, reducing the dose is what may help. Anyways, the side effects of this hormone are way easier to control than those of anabolic steroids. If you’ve taken steroids like Trenbolone, then you know what I mean, and you shouldn’t have any problems dealing with insulin-like growth factor.


As I’ve already mentioned, IGF-1 is not for those who are new to steroids and hormones. Usually, this hormone is used together with anabolic steroids for enhanced effect, or as a bridge between cycles. If you want to use it as a bridging compound, then simply continuе Testosterone and add IGF-1. HGH is very often used together with IGF-1 because of its fat-burning abilities, and in general, they simply work great together.

Here you have a few examples of how to use IGF-1. These are just templates, and you should adjust all of these according to your needs. As an advanced user, you have to understand how all of these compounds affect you as an individual.

Testosterone — Trenbolone — IGF-1 — Oxymetholone Cycle

Cycle length: 12 weeks

  • Weeks 1-3: 100mg Anadrol a day
  • Weeks 1-8: 100mcg IGF-1 LR3 2-4 times a week (on training days)
  • Weeks 1-10: 600mg Tren Acetate per week
  • Weeks 1-12: 1500mg Test Enanthate per week

With this cycle, you will build size, and IGF-1 will only enhance the results. Using Arimidex at 1mg/day and HCG at 250iu 3 times a week throughout the cycle is necessary.

Testosterone — Equipoise — Deca-Durabolin — HGH — IGF-1 Cycle

Cycle Length: 20 weeks

  • Weeks 1-4, 9-12, 17-20: 80mcg IGF-1 on training days after a workout
  • Weeks 1-20: 2-4iu Human Growth Hormone 5 days a week
  • Weeks 1-8: 200mg Test per week | 400mg Equipoise per week
  • Weeks 9-12: 150mg Test per week | 1250 iu HCG per week
  • Weeks 13-20: 200mg Test per week | 300mg Deca per week
  • PCT (Weeks 21-24): 50mg Clomid daily OR 10-20mg Nolvadex daily, 1250 iu HCG per week


Testosterone suppression is impossible with this hormone. Nevertheless, IGF-1 is almost always used with other compounds, including steroids, where post cycle therapy is required. While preparing your PCT plan, focus on how powerful the steroids are, the duration of a cycle, and the dosage, but not on whether IGF-1 was included.


What is IGF-1 used for in bodybuilding?

Its main function is to promote the growth of muscle tissue and bones. It also helps with recovery and healing. Usually, it is not used alone but together with anabolic steroids to enhance the effects of the cycle. Therefore, it is rarely used by beginners. IGF-1 is especially useful for older bodybuilders because, with age, it becomes harder to induce muscle hypertrophy.

What are the benefits of IGF 1?

The main benefits are muscle growth and amazing recovery abilities. Thanks to these, it’s a great addition to any advanced cycle, and it also works in synergy with HGH (Human Growth Hormone). HGH will increase fat burn while you keep on growing muscles. Bones and joints will recover faster and become stronger, which is crucial for effective workouts.

Is IGF 1 dangerous?

Every steroid or drug is dangerous when abused. IGF-1 is a relatively safe hormone, because it is naturally produced by the body, and if used responsibly, it won't pose a threat to your health. What you have to monitor is your blood sugar level. IGF-1 can cause hypoglycemia even at low doses, so be sure that you consume simple sugars before an administration. Besides, IGF-1 promotes the growth of bones, muscle tissue, organs, and tumors as well.

Does IGF 1 make you bigger?

Yes, it does. IGF-1 is an amazing compound that will make your muscles grow fast, especially when used with steroids and HGH. You will also be able to recover faster, so your gym sessions will become more effective, and you’ll gain even more mass.


IGF-1 is great stuff, but only for more experienced users. If you’ve already achieved amazing results, and you want to go beyond that, then this hormone is truly what you need. A newbie just won’t understand how to use it, and what results to expect, whereas, for an advanced user, IGF-1 will be easily included in any cycle with minimal side effects. If you want to push on to the next level, then give it a try. 

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