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Ketotifen (Removes Clen Side Effects) 1mg/60tabs - Pharmacy Grade

Ketotifen (Removes Clen Side Effects) 1mg/60tabs - Pharmacy Grade


Out of stock

Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Meridia

Dosage and packing: 1mg/100tabs

Ketotifen is an antihistimine that inhibits down regulation of beta receptors, which are often degraded by fat-burners such as Albuterol and Clenbuterol.

  • Ketotifen fumarate alleviates allergy symptoms and asthma.
  • Removes Clen side effects: trembling hands, high blood pressure, nausea.
  • Use with Clenbuterol or Albuterol to increase effectiveness and duration of the cycle.
  • Usage: 1mg for 100mcg of Clen per day