Clomid is one of the most popular PCT options out there, second only to Nolvadex. Why you may need it, when exactly, and how to take it right to minimize the risk of side effects? Here’s all you need to know.
What is Clomid?
Starting with the basics. Clomid is a brand name for Clomiphene Citrate. The thing is a classic SERM: Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It lowers the level of estrogen in your blood, boosts testosterone production, and acts as a parachute after a hardcore cycle.
How does Clomid work?
Clomid works in PCT by stimulating the production of gonadotropins, including FSH and LH, which in turn stimulate the testes to produce more testosterone. By blocking the negative feedback signal of estrogen on the hypothalamus, Clomid helps to increase the release of GnRH, which stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more FSH and LH.
This increased production of gonadotropins can help to restore normal testosterone levels, which can reduce the side effects of steroid use and promote muscle recovery after a cycle.
So far, it sounds exactly like Nolvadex, right? Not quite.
Difference Between Clomid and Nolvadex
One by one, here are all the key things that you need to know about these drugs:
- Clomid is weaker. It’s not as effective as Nolvadex in lowering the estrogen levels. That’s why you need 5x the dose of Clomid compared to Nolva;
- Clomid is more aggressive. Sounds irrational, but that’s true: Clomid can completely destroy your estrogen levels (not a good thing, you need some of it), while Nolva has to be abused and overdosed to really do any harm in that plain;
- Clomid is more dangerous. Simple as that: side effects of Clomiphene have a risk of turning chronic, and we’re not talking about anything mild, like some acne: Clomid can cause blurry vision that will stay with you for life.
So if it’s weaker and more dangerous, why’d you use it in the first place instead of Nolvadex?
Here’s one more difference:
Clomid does not raise prolactin, and Nolvadex does. It’s actually a big concern when it comes to 19-nor’s. In the worst case scenario, you simply raise your risks to get gyno if you take Nolva after Tren.
The Problem With 19nor’s PCT
19nor’s are a family of anabolic steroids that include:
- Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate);
- NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate);
- Trenbolone Acetate;
- Trenbolone Enanthate;
- Trestolone (MENT);
- Blends with Nandrolone (TNT 200 and TNT 400 by Apoxar, TriTren).
All of the above are heavily suppressive, not quite androgenic, not quite estrogenic, but extremely — and we mean EXTREMELY — anabolic. They’re quite popular for this reason, as well. All of the most powerful injectables are 19-nor’s.
The problem? They are also powerful progestins. They raise your prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation in pregnant women. And the effect is not limited to women: you, a male, grown-up athlete, can get milk out of your nipples (get “leaky nips”) too.
It’s not that bad. Your body is definitely capable of dealing with SOME prolactin with no consequences. On cycle, you can take Cabergoline (aka Dostinex) or a cheaper (but more dangerous) Bromocriptine. However, that's just prolactin from 19-nor’s. What if you add Nolvadex — a progestin as well — on top of your already elevated levels? The short answer is, you get gyno.
IMPORTANT: The effect is NOT guaranteed. All men react to 19-nor’s differently. The degree of side effects’ severity varies greatly.
You may get leaky nips from just a mild dose of Tren, or may avoid this nasty side effect if you take Nolva after a long cycle of the same Tren in high doses. There’s no guaranteed safe outcome or guaranteed disaster. However, the risk gets higher.
And that’s where Clomid kicks in. This SERM is NOT a progestin. It has a tone of other effects, but it does not raise your risks of getting gynecomastia.
That’s pretty much the secret behind Clomid’s popularity as the second most popular PCT compound: it’s your to-go SERM after the most powerful gear on the market.
Clomid PCT Guide
Now that you know why you need it, here are some of the more practical details.
When to start Clomid PCT?
With all the added prolactin and vision issues drama, it’s important to keep in mind that Clomid is still a SERM. So you start it just like Nolvadex: exactly when the last injection or pill of anabolic steroids in your cycle wears off:
- After Trenbolone Acetate or NPP (Durabolin) — 3 days after the last injection;
- After Trenbolone Enanthate or Deca Durabolin — 14 days after the last injection.
- With blends — look at the longest-acting compounds in the mix;
With any other gear, including non-19-nor-based steroids — use the same approach, check the slowest compound’s half-life, and start Clomid when it leaves your body.
How Much Clomid to Take for PCT?
Remember that Clomid is not as powerful as Nolvadex, but it’s more aggressive.
We have studies that show similar efficiency with 150mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex. However, Clomid is more aggressive, and we also have studies that prove that it’s effective at 25mg ED.
As with Nolvadex, you have two options:
- The classic one — risky, but more reliable in terms of PCT — is 50 to 100mg ED for 4 weeks;
- The milder one, with less risks of Clomid sides, but debatable efficiency — 25mg ED or 50mg EOD for 6 to 8 weeks straight.
You can choose the protocol that will work best for you. We’d recommend the second option, though the first one is OK as well.
Keep in mind: if you start with higher doses and see any signs of blurry vision, lower the dose or drop Clomid immediately. Vision issues are no joke and rarely can turn chronic (meaning that they’ll stay with you for the rest of your life).