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Sustanon - Testosterone Blend 250mg/ml - Apoxar

Sustanon - Testosterone Blend 250mg/ml - Apoxar

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Brand: Apoxar

Substance: Testosterone

Dosage and packing: 250 mg/ml (10 ml)

Sustanon is a complex steroid comprised of 4 testosterone types which are absorbed at different rates. The increase in muscle mass happens alongside the concurrent reduction in excreted fluid from the body.

  • Usage: Inject 500-750mg once a week
  • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: Yes. Requires Letrozole 2.5mg each other day during the cycle
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Winstrol for lean muscle or Deca for bulking

Quality Guaranteed: See Lab Test

Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250 - this is a blend that contains four different testosterone esters:

  • testosterone propionate (30 mg);
  • testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg);
  • testosterone isocaproate (60 mg);
  • testosterone decanoate (100 mg).

The primary function of Sustanon is to provide a rapid but sustained release of Testosterone. The dosage is one injection every 3-4 weeks.

Like all testosterone preparations, Sustanon 250 is a powerful anabolic drug with pronounced androgenic activity. It is most commonly used in bulking cycles.

The history

Firstly, Sustanon 250 appeared on the international drug markets in the early 1970s. It was developed by Organon (the global pharmaceutical company), responsible for steroids such as Durabolin, Deca-durabolin, and Andriol. Sustanon 250 offered a therapeutic benefit over existing testosterone esters that need to be administered more frequently. However, despite this advantage, Sustanon 250 has never been approved for sale in the US, although it is one of the most popular testosterone brands available worldwide.

For the last 25 years, Sustanon 250 has been the most popular injectable Testosterone among athletes because of a set of four different testosterone compounds.

The structure of Sustanon 250

It contains a blend of four testosterone compounds modified by carboxylic acid esters (propionic, propionic phenyl, isocaloric and decanoic acids) 17-beta hydroxyl group. Once in the bloodstream, the ester is removed to form free (active) Testosterone. Esterified forms of Testosterone are designed to prolong the period of therapeutic effect after administration, which allows for the use of less frequent injections compared to injections of a free steroid. Sustanon 250 is formulated to peak testosterone levels (24-48 hours after injection) and maintain physiological concentration for 3 weeks.

Sustanon 250 side effects:


Elevated estrogen levels can cause side effects, such as:

  • water retention
  • weight gain
  • gynecomastia

Testosterone is considered a pretty estrogenic steroid. However, an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex can be used. It effectively controls estrogen by preventing its synthesis.

Estrogenic side effects can appear if the dosage of Sustanon 250 is not controlled. With higher doses of Testosterone, water retention and muscle loss are often seen. Generally, this drug is considered a poor choice for dieting or shortening training phases.


As Testosterone is the male androgen that is responsible for secondary male sex characteristics, high testosterone levels can cause androgenic side effects, such as:

  • oily skin
  • acne
  • body / facial hair growth
  • male pattern hair loss

For women, there can be:

  • decreased voice
  • menstrual irregularities
  • changes in skin texture
  • facial hair growth
  • an enlarged clitoris


In general, Testosterone has no hepatotoxic effect. However, according to researchers, there is a possibility of hepatotoxicity with high Testosterone doses (more than 400 mg of the hormone per day).

During the experiment with 20 men, the hormone has been taken every day for 20 days, and there were not noticed significant liver changes.


We can notice the harmful effects of anabolic and androgenic steroids. However, it depends on the dose, whether oral or injectable, and a type of steroid. Anabolic and androgenic steroids can also negatively affect:

  • blood pressure
  • decrease endothelial relaxation
  • maintain left ventricular hypertrophy
  • potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

Testosterone has much less of an effect on cardiovascular risk factors than synthetic steroids. It is because of its openness to liver metabolism, which allows it to have less influence on cholesterol management in the liver.

All in all, to reduce the stress on the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to maintain an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, and simple carbohydrates. It will also be better to take a fish oil supplement (4 grams per day) and a natural cholesterol or antioxidant formula.

Testosterone suppression:

Anabolic and androgenic steroids suppress endogenous testosterone production when taken in doses sufficient to increase muscle mass.

Testosterone is the primary male androgen and provides strong negative feedback on endogenous testosterone production. Testosterone medications also have a substantial effect on the hypothalamic regulation of natural steroid hormones.

Testosterone levels should return to normal within 1-4 months after stopping the drug without the intervention of testosterone-stimulating substances. Note that long-term hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may develop secondary to steroid abuse, requiring medical attention.

General review of the usage of Sustanon 250

Usually, injections of Testosterone propionate are considered as painful. They irritate the tissues at the injection site, so many sensitive people prefer to stay away from this steroid. They can react with:

severe soreness
low-grade fever (which can persist for several days after each injection).

The usage of Sustanon 250 with men

For the treatment of androgen deficiency, the Sustanon 250 prescribing guide requires a dosage of 250 mg every 3 weeks. Although Sustanon 250 is active in the body for a longer time, it is usually administered every 7-10 days to build muscle mass.

The usual dosage for male athletes is 250-750 mg per injection, taken in cycles of 6 to 12 weeks. This level is enough for most users to notice exceptional gains in muscle mass and strength.

Some bodybuilders use incredibly high doses of this drug, such as 1000 mg per week or even more. At dosages above 750 mg per week, water retention is likely to account for more weight gain than new muscle tissue. The practice of high doses is ineffective, especially considering the high cost of Sustanon 250.

The usage of Sustanon 250 with women

Rarely, women use Sustanon 250. It is most commonly used to stimulate the masculinization of women to transgender men. Sustanon 250 is not recommended for women to improve physique or performance due to its strong androgenic nature, prone to virilizing side effects, and slow-acting characteristics, making it difficult to control blood levels.


Sustanon is a popular testosterone product in many countries outside the US. There is also a large quantity of "cloned" products that are manufactured in Asian markets.

In Brazil, Durateston is now widely available under the Schering-Plow brand. The product still comes in the familiar clear glass ampoule with a red and yellow stripe at the end.

Omnadren from Jelfa (Poland) recently updated the packaging. The new boxes have a more colorful pink gradient, but otherwise, the appearance remains the same as the old product.

In Thailand, there is Test-Comp 250. It contains a standard dosage of 250 mg in a 10 ml multi-dose vial. Each product must have a unique product identification code that can be authenticated with the company.

Sustabolic is now selling in Malaysia. Each box should have a scratched-off security sticker that will display a code verified on the company's website.

Balkan Pharmaceuticals (Moldova) produces Sustamed. It is prepared in 1 ml ampoules and multi-dose vials.

European versions of Sustanon are also popular (from Italy, Portugal, Belgium, England). Sustanon 250 mg is manufactured by Swiss Remedies and is available throughout Europe.


Sustanon is a top-rated steroid highly regarded by its users as it offers several benefits over other testosterone compounds. As it was said above, Sustanon is a blend of four different testosterones that, depending on when taken on time, have a synergistic effect. This trait has two positive qualities for the athlete:

due to the special combined effect of the compounds, Sustanon at a dose of milligrams per milligram has a better result than testosterone enanthate, cypionate, and propionate alone
the action of the four testosterones is released over time so that Sustanon quickly enters the system and remains effective in the body for several weeks

It is also noted that Sustanon is also useful when relatively low doses are given to well-advanced athletes. Interestingly, when Sustanon is prescribed to athletes who have already used this compound at the same or lower doses, it produces similar results.

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