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  • Sale Somatropin 100IU Growth Hormone HGH - Apoxar

    Somatropin 100IU Growth Hormone HGH - Apoxar

    Growth Hormone — recommended for muscle building, fat loss, anti-aging and injury healing.

    • Usage: 2-3iu's for healing/anti-aging, 4-6iu's for muscle growth
    • Cycle Duration: a minimum of 6 months

    Quality Guaranteed: Lab Test Results

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

    Regular Price: $390.00

    Special Price $330.00

  • HCG - Gonadotropin 5000IU - Apoxar

    HCG - Gonadotropin 5000IU - Apoxar

    Gonadotropin (HCG) is used to stimulate testicles to restore testosterone and sperm production during or after a steroid cycle which has caused natural levels to be reduced. Also, using HCG with TRT or during steroid cycle can restore your testicles to their normal, healthy size and function. 

    • Used after a cycle, to help restore testosterone production more quickly (in combo with Nolvadex or Clomid)
    • On cycle, in an effort to avoid testicular atrophy during steroid administration.
    • Usage: 2000-3000 Units every 2nd or 3rd day, taken for no longer than 2 or 3 weeks.

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • Sale Epithalon (Anti-Aging) 10mg/vial - Apoxar

    Epithalon (Anti-Aging) 10mg/vial - Apoxar

    Epithalon, aka "Fountain of Youth," is the only peptide that can increase the number of times cells can divide. An anti-aging compound.

    • Significantly increases trauma healing speed
    • Slows down cardiovascular system aging
    • Prevents age-related diseases

    Administration: 5-10 mg/day

    Safety: Epithalon is a safe and well-tolerated peptide with no side effects.

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

    Regular Price: $45.00

    Special Price $35.00

  • Sale Melanotan 2 (Tanning, Libido) 10mg/vial - Apoxar

    Melanotan 2 (Tanning, Libido) 10mg/vial - Apoxar

    Melanotan 2 is a peptide used to increase the body's ability to tan and significantly increase libido and sex drive.

    • Usage:  500-1000 mcg/day
    • Cycle Duration: until the result is achieved
    • Aromatization: none
    • Post Cycle Therapy: not required
    • Stack With: nothing, has unique effects

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

    Regular Price: $65.00

    Special Price $55.00

  • BPC157 (Injury Support) 5mg/vial - Apoxar

    BPC157 (Injury Support) 5mg/vial - Apoxar

    Lyophilized organ-protective/healing peptide. Promotes muscle and tendon healing by triggering the formation of new blood vessels.

    • Usage: 250 to 500mcg daily. Split in half, AM/PM.
    • Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks for optimal recovery.
    • Aromatization: No.
    • Post Cycle Therapy: Not needed, it's afe for continuous use.
    • Stack With: TB-500 for healing, HGH for anti-aging benefits.

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • TB500 (Injury Support) 5mg/vial - Apoxar

    TB500 (Injury Support) 5mg/vial - Apoxar

    Healing and trauma recovery peptide you need to promote healing of tendons, ligaments, muscle and faster recover after injuries.

    • Usage: 5-10mg per week for 6 weeks, subcutaneous injections
    • Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks for healing, longer if needed
    • Aromatization: no
    • Post Cycle Therapy: not needed
    • Stack With: BPC-157 or HGH for faster recovery and tissue repair

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains

  • Buy Meridia Apoxar Canada Weight Loss

    Meridia - Sibutramine (Fat Loss) 15mg/50tabs - Apoxar

    Meridia is a well-known appetite suppressant. Also it has a remarkable effect in terms of weight loss and fat burning. Used along with diet and exercise to treat obesity and unnecessary fat.

    • Weight Loss Solution
    • Appetite Suppression
    • 30% Metabolism Increase
    • Usage: 10-15 mg/day
    • Cycle Duration: 4 weeks for optimal results 

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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  • IGF-1 LR3 1000mcg/vial RECOMBINANT (not synthetic) Receptor Grade - Apoxar

    IGF-1 LR3 1000mcg/vial RECOMBINANT (not synthetic) Receptor Grade - Apoxar

    IGF-1 primarily functions as a support compound for muscle growth by increasing amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids for long-term muscle growth. 

    • Usage: 80 mcg twice a day
    • Cycle Duration: 10-12 weeks 
    • Stack With: makes a great stack with HGH
    • Aromatization: none
    • PCT: not required

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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Apoxar Products For Bodybuilding

Whatever is on your mind, there’s a big chance that Apoxar produces a perfect compound just for your targets.

The whole list includes oral Anabolic Steroids, both oral and injectable:

  • Anavar;

  • Dianabol;

  • Proviron;

  • Trenbolone;

  • Boldenone;

  • Nandrolone.

You can buy pure synthetic testosterone in any ester - authentic Apoxar Testosterone Enanthate, Propionate, and Cypionate are dominating the market in Canada.

Apoxar Supportive Compounds

Along with performance boosters, you can get high-quality Apoxar “secondary” and PCT compounds. This is what the company has for reducing side effects and combating the notorious gynecomastia:

  • Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid);

  • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex);

  • Aromatase Inhibitors (Letrozole, Arimidex, and Aromasin)

Apoxar Gear Mixes

For those who need the best effects with minimal possible effort, Apoxar produces pharma-grade steroid mixes. Of course, I’m talking about the effort with reconstituting and taking compounds - not your performance in the gym. To save both time and money, you can get one of the pre-made combinations: Test-400 for extreme bulking or Cut-mix for weight loss.

Back in 2012, Apoxar Pharmaceuticals was just a small team of scientists who gave up corporate careers to start their project. To concentrate on the business they had to leave one of the biggest companies on the market. The idea of Apoxar Labs originated when the team decided that theyve had enough of bureaucracy and profit over quality» approach.

Nowadays Apoxar Labs is one of the leading manufacturers on the market of sports pharmacology with a wide range of products for bodybuilders.

Apoxar Steroids

In pure form, Apoxar produces most of the well-known Injectables. Among them are all popular Testosterone esters and other anabolic steroids under Apoxar market names:

  • Testosterone Enanthate (Testenat)
  • Testosterone Propionate (Protestin)
  • Testosterone Cypionate (Cypionax)
  • Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)
  • Drostanolone Enanthate (Mastenex)
  • Methenolone Enanthate (Primoject)
  • Testosterone Base (Testobase)
  • Trenbolone Enanthate (Enantren)
  • Trenbolone Acetate (Acetren)
  • Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)
  • Nandrolone Decanoate (Decabolin)

Along with pure substances, Apoxar produces popular steroid mixes. Compounds that would one way or another get mixed in a cycle in these products are mixed in right proportions by professionals in a lab, so you can administer them at once to reduce injections frequency. Mixed Apoxar steroids also let you get some rare substances that otherwise would be hard to find in farm-grade quality.

  • Cut-Mix (Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate)
  • Tri-Tren (Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate)
  • Test 400 (Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Cypionate)
  • Bulk-Mix (testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate)
  • Sustanon (Testosterone Decanoate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Propionate)

Apoxar also produces a variety of oral compounds in a tablet form:

  • Dianabol
  • Anavar
  • Anadrol
  • Turinabol
  • Proviron
  • Primobolan

Apoxar anabolic steroids are accompanied by several compounds for a specific use. For better pumping the lab offers two of the most popular pills:

  • Cialis
  • Viagra

The same works with weight loss compounds, such as Clenbuterol and Cytomel, and acne treatment - Accutane.

For post-cycle therapy Apoxar produces main PCT compounds and aromatase inhibitors (AI):

  • Nolvadex
  • Clomid
  • Arimidex
  • Aromasin
  • Femara

Apoxar Steroids Review

Since Apoxar produces basically any steroid that you would ever need to get massive or shredded, it’s important to keep in mind specifics of every compound and not to make the process of buying steroids as a grocery shopping. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular steroids by Apoxar in more detail.

Apoxar Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. Testosterone Enanthate is a long ester attached to the natural testosterone molecule. This modification allows you to increase the half-life of the hormone and makes it much slower. Testosterone in its pure form has a very short lifespan, because of this its use is inconvenient and impractical. Enanthate ester increases the life of the hormone from 10 to 15 days, and its level in the blood remains high for a period of half a month to a month.

Apoxar Testosterone Enanthate Benefits

In short, Testosterone increases athletic performance. The main effects that appear from the use of testosterone are:

  • The speed of movement in the blood increases.
  • Fast and high-quality increase in muscle mass
  • Muscle endurance boost
  • Good fluid retention
  • Improved metabolism
  • Boosted protein is synthesis and faster absorption

Testosterone Enanthate Side Effects

Testosterone is considered the safest anabolic steroid to use.

The main problem with the compound is that it has a strong aromatization ability, i.e. conversion to estrogens. As a result of this, gynecomastia, edema, female fat deposition often develop. This can be easily prevented by antiestrogens. Side effects are also dose-dependent.

Apoxar Testosterone Propionate

Propionate is just a different ester of the same natural Testosterone. The only difference is the duration of action. Propionate - 21 hours, and Enanthate - 5 days. Testosterone propionate has a shorter active period, which results in better concentration of the compound in the organism, faster effect, but more frequent injections. Side effects and benefits are the same.

Apoxar Anavar (Oxandrolone)

Anavar is a synthetic anabolic steroid, a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. The main use of the drug is to help the athlete achieve high-quality dry muscle mass.

Apoxar Anavar Benefits

The anabolic index of oxandrolone is very high in comparison with androgenic activity, therefore the compound is considered to be one of the safest anabolic steroids. It’s also popular among female athletes who can’t take other anabolic compounds, but still want to achieve a lean body. Here is what it has for you:

  • Significant increase in the hardness of muscle mass and general shredded look
  • Effective breakdown and burning of fats
  • Increase in the level of growth hormone
  • Growth of strength and endurance

Anavar Side Effects

Anavar has a minor toxicity and considered to be a mild steroid. Although the compound is 17-alpha-alkylated, its toxic effect on liver cells is close to zilch. In the course of studies, it was verified that with a daily dose of 20 mg of Oxandrolone for 3 months, hepatic enzymes remain normal.

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