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HGH & Peptides

Growth Hormone and peptides are known to be a more natural version of anabolic steroids. Wide range of effects from muscle mass boost and fat loss to injury treatment and recovery.

  • Ibutamoren - MK-677 (Oral HGH) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms

    Ibutamoren - MK-677 (Oral HGH) 10mg/50tabs - NEO Sarms

    MK-677 increases Growth Hormone secretion (one of the most desirable hormones for bodybuilders). Allows you to retain most of your post-cycle results

    • Usage: 20-30 mg/day
    • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks
    • Aromatization: none
    • Post Cycle Therapy: not required
    • Stack With: LGD-4033 or LGD-3033

    Increases Strength

    Improves Sex Drive

    Muscle Gains


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HGH is an abbreviation for Human Growth Hormone, also known as Somatotropin. In short, it makes you grow. Quite an easy concept to grasp on, right? Nope. The compound is significantly more complicated than it appears to be at first glance.

HGH hormone got its name because of the effect that it has on all body systems: HGH is responsible for the growth and regeneration of body cells, including muscle, skin, bones, and organs. Again - ALL body cells, not just muscle. The effect of HGH might be an overkill if your target is just to build up a few extra pounds, but it starts a whole positive chain reaction of health improvements. That’s why the HGH hormone is so popular both as anti-aging, general well-being therapy, and as a tool to boost muscle growth.

HGH Benefits

HGH combats destructive processes in the human body and boosts regeneration processes. Some athletes report that they feel 10 years younger. And the effect is visible after 2-3 weeks into the cycle. Here are some benefits of HGH:

  • Bone system strengthening
  • Body fat conversion to muscle
  • Enhanced immunity
  • Increased mental abilities
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Increased sexual activity

HGH Dosage

Optimal HGH dosage depends on your targets and expectations.

  • For the treatment of growth hormone deficiency, the HGH dosage is 0.5 - 4 IU per day.
  • The classic «mass gain» dosage is 3 IU HGH for women and 5-10 IU per day for men.
  • For professional bodybuilders, the dosage is at least 12-16 IU.

HGH Cycle

Bodybuilders who take HGH injections use a variety of regimens while drying their bodies or gaining muscle mass. One of the most popular schemes, allowing not only to build additional muscles but also to give the body a more aesthetic appearance, would look like this:

  • Weeks 1-4: 1 injection per day, HGH dosage is 2 IU;
  • Week 5: 1 injection per day, HGH dosage is 2.5 IU;
  • Week 6: 2 injections per day, HGH dosage is 1.5 IU;
  • Week 7: 2 injections per day, HGH dosage is 1.75 IU;
  • Maintain 0,25 increase until 5 IU is reached.

How To Take HGH

Usually, HGH is injected into the fat layer on the stomach. This is considered to be a traditional place for HGH injections, but the compound can also be injected intramuscularly. The only difference is the administration time. If you inject the hormone into the fat layer, the peak of growth hormone in the blood occurs after about 3.5-4 hours, in the muscle, it takes about 2.5 hours.

Best Time To Take HGH

Two options are considered to be the best time to inject HGH hormone:

  • In the morning on an empty stomach, in 40-60 minutes before breakfast;
  • At night, about 3-4 hours after the last meal.

Experienced athletes also take HGH during the day or 30 minutes before training.

HGH Results

Traditional 3 months cycle of HGH, with a proper diet, often results in additional 10-13 lbs. Hardcore workouts can increase gains up to 22 lbs. Even though water retention should be taken to account, the numbers represent fat-free mass. With a low-carb diet and a lot of cardio exercises, you can lose up to 40 lbs in 2,5 months.

Where To Buy HGH In Canada

Growth hormones are officially banned by The Food and Drug Administration and you can get HGH in Canada only with a prescription for specific disease treatment. Hopefully, you can buy HGH online. Multiple shops offer HGH for sale in Canada, but keep in mind that it is often replaced by compounds with similar effects. Not all HGH supplements give you the same effect as pure injectable hormones, but there are multiple exceptions.

Serovital HGH

Despite frequent references in the context of hormonal treatment, Serovital HGH is not the growth hormone itself. The popular drug is a mixture of amino acids that make your body produce more natural HGH, so you experience the same effects. You can expect up to an unbelievable increase of 682% in HGH levels, and this exact number was medically proven in 2012.

Benefits of SeroVital HGH

If there was no need in such a compound, it would never succeed on the market. Here is what helps SeroVital to maintain competition with the real HGH:

  • Less expensive than injectable HGH, but carries similar effects;
  • Holds 13 US Patents Protecting the Formula from copying;
  • Based on a clinically studied formula.

Just stay cautious, purchasing the real SeroVital HGH online in Canada might be a challenging task because of multiple malicious shops that sell a completely different drug under a similar brand name.

HGH Side Effects

Like any other compound, HGH has its side effects. The most common is fluid retention and the subsequent various types of edema. But after you stop injecting the hormone, the side effects quickly disappear. If the hormone is used for a long period in inappropriately increased dosages, the possible effects are:

  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Excessive growth of cartilage, fingers, chin
  • Deterioration of the heart muscle (increased risk of myocardial infarction)

With prolonged use of the hormone in high doses after manifestations of hyperglycemia, diabetes may occur. Just don't cross the line.