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BD Anabol - Dianabol 5mg/100 tabs

BD Anabol - Dianabol 5mg/100 tabs


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Dianabol is a tableted steroid for muscle mass growth and strength improvement. Methandienone is its active agent.

  • Usage: Men 40-60 mg/day
  • Cycle Duration: 6-10 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: Yes. Requires Arimidex - 1mg - each other day during the cycle
  • Post Cycle Therapy: Clomid 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for another 2 weeks
  • Stack With: Winstrol for lean muscle or Deca for muscle mass

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BD Anabol

BD ANABOL 5MG 100 TABS is a steroid thatexerts significant effect on the proteins metabolism. Methandrostenolone, which is a part of BD Anabol, is an oral steroid that exerts significant effect on the proteins metabolism. It stimulates the production of protein by the body, thereby contributing to its accumulation in the tissues. It normalizes the nitrogen balance in the athlete’s body and leads to good results in sports.

Methandrostenolone was introduced to the market in 1960 and it quickly became a popular and widely used anabolic. The drug exerts strong anabolic and androgenic effects, which are expressed by gains in strength and muscle mass. It acts quickly and on point. It has been frequently reported that BD Anabol promotes increase of body weightup to 1-2 kg per week during the first six weeks of usage.


You gain weight due to the growth of muscle tissue, and in particular, a significant accumulation of fluid in the body. The drug is slightly converted into estrogen, therefore sometimes it is recommended to use anti-estrogen drugs, such as tamoxifen or Proviron. The range of doses of anabolic is rather wide - from 10 mg to 100 mg per day. Accordingly, the effective dose for athletes is 10-50 mg / day.

Those who did not take steroids before, can start with 30 mg daily and increase the dosage if they don’t feel a significant increase of weight. This amount is sufficient to achieve desired results. When the effect of the drug starts weakening (mainly because receptors of steroid receive high load and can no longer perceive it), but the athlete wishes to prolong the effect, an injectable drug such as a Deca or Primabolan can be used at a dose of 200 mg per week and gradually reduce the dose of methane. The half-life of methane is only 3.5 - 4.5 hours, because to maintain the concentration of drug in the blood it is necessary to take it at least twice a day, preferably three times.

Methandrostenolone is an alkylated drug, so it is recommended to take pills during the meal to avoid the negative impact of the drug on the stomach. It is necessary that on the third day after stop using Dianabol cycle no traces are detected in the blood. Therefore, doping tests show negative results.

The maximum drug concentration in the blood is reached after 1-3 hours after administration. Taking 10 mg of Dianabol increases testosterone levels in the men blood by five times, compared with the norm. The high efficiency of the drug is explained by the decrease of endogenous cortisone production by 50-70%. Thus, methane reduces the amount of protein breakdown in muscle cells. Although methane has a lot of potential side effects, they are rare at a dosage not exceeding 50 mg a day.

Side Effects

The drug contains alkyl radicals, what it significantly affects the liver. At high doses and long using it can be toxic to the liver. However, for a healthy users, this is not dangerous.

Methandrostenolone increases body weight due to accumulation of fluid in the body, so it may induce increase of the blood pressure and palpitations. It is recommended to use Tamoxifen or Proviron, since methane is converted to estrogen, and in some cases it may cause gynecomastia or exacerbate already existing one. The high androgenic properties may stimulate the sebaceous glands, which leads to the appearance of rash on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. But despite of this, many users of methandrostenolone feel good, they have increased appetite, and in most cases their confidence is boosted.

Brand: British Dispensary

Substance: Dianabol

Dosage and packing: 5 mg/tab (100 tabs)

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