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Primobolan Tabs 10mg/100tabs - Novo-Pharm

Primobolan Tabs 10mg/100tabs - Novo-Pharm

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Brand: Novo-Pharm

Substance: Primobolan

Dosage and packing: 10mg per tab (100 tabs)

Methenolone Acetate is a steroid with mild effects and no traditionally expected side effects. The unique feature of this tableted drug is that it doesn’t produce toxic effects on the liver.

  • Usage: Men 50-100 mg/day
  • Cycle Duration: 8-12 weeks for optimal results 
  • Aromatization: No.
  • Post Cycle Therapy: No.
  • Stack With: Anavar 40-60mg/day for cutting 


What is Primobolan?

Primobolan is an anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding for weight loss in cutting cycles. It is one of the favorite steroids for men for cutting and one of the most suitable steroids for women. It is one of the few that you can get in both oral and injectable forms, whichever suits you best.

It was initially developed to treat conditions that cause muscle wasting, underscoring its excellent muscle loss prevention properties that any athlete will appreciate. It helps preserve muscle tissue, primarily by increasing nitrogen retention.

This drug is more commonly used during cutting cycles when when you need not only to gain muscles, but to maintain them. It is almost always combined with other steroid compounds to obtain a better and more effective result. For example, the most popular stacks are the combination with Testosterone, Winstrol, Trenbolone.

Unlike many other oral steroids, Primobolan does not cause severe liver damage, making it more favorable to use.


  • Classification: Anabolic Steroid
  • Active Half-life: 2-3 days
  • Dosage: 100-200mg a day
  • Water Retention: No
  • Aromatization: No

Primobolan Benefits

Primobolan has many benefits, especially for those looking to lose weight:

  • Promotes nitrogen retention - an excellent property for preserving muscle tissue while losing weight. It is thanks to this effect that Primobolan is very popular among athletes for their sports purposes.
  • Strengthens the immune system - a significant effect, especially when losing weight, when you eat less and the immune system can be damaged.
  • Improves bump - promotes lean muscle mass maintenance without the side effects we should be concerned about when losing fat. It is an excellent compound for achieving maximum firmness, tone, and a defined physique.
  • Increased Strength - Although it has a lower anabolic rating than many other steroids, it will still give you more strength and motivation to train and reps in the gym.
  • It does not aromatize, making it a powerful cutting formulation ,as you can achieve a very lean look without the bloating caused by fluid retention.
  • It has a minimal rollback phenomenon - most of the results you achieved on a cycle usually remain.
  • Does not significantly affect blood pressure levels.
  • Even at high-performance enhancing doses, Primobolan poses little risk of side effects and should be well tolerated by beginners. It does not cause serious side effects, so it can be considered one of the safest anabolic steroids currently available on the market. It is an excellent substance for women that will provide excellent results at low doses and with a relatively low risk of side effects compared to other steroids.

How to Take Primobolan?

Primobolan is taken orally with water. The dosage will depend on the intended use and your fitness level. Since the half-life of the drug is several days, once a day is sufficient.

The standard dosage is 100-150mg per day. It is recommended that beginners start with 50mg per day, and experienced athletes increase the dosage to 150-200mg per day devided into two administration. The optimal cyclе duration is 10 weeks.

However, it should be remembered that the higher the Primobolan dosage, the higher the risk of side effects. For the cycle's effectiveness, you can use the standard dosage of Primobolan and combine it with other steroids, such as Testosterone, Winstrol.


After any anabolic steroid, it is essential to undergo PCT to maintain your results and prevent unwanted side effects.

If you've used Primobolan Solo, a good PCT plan will speed up your recovery and restore your natural testosterone production.

If your cycle includes more potent anabolic steroids with a more substantial testosterone suppressant effect, you recommend using HCG during and after your cycle. Clomid or Nolvadex will help you in case of side effects.

  • HCG (Gonadotropin) at up to 2500iu weekly beginning at the end of the cycle and going for two week
  • Use Clomid (50 mg per day for the first two weeks and dropping to 25 mg per day during the last two weeks of PCT)
  • Or Nolvadex (40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 40mg/day for next 2 weeks)

Female Use

Primobolan is very suitable for the female body. Since they require a moderate anabolic effect to increase muscle mass, this substance will do an excellent job with this. Besides, the substance will not cause any side effects if the dosage is not exceeded.

10-50mg per day (maximum 100 mg per day) for eight weeks will be perfectly absorbed by the body and will bring you excellent results without the possible effects of virilization and other side effects.

Primobolan Cycles:

Most often, Primobolan is combined with other steroids for better effectiveness. Even if you decide to use Primobolan only, it is recommended to add one of the Testosterone esters to it to maintain its very level.

Beginner Primobolan cycle

  • Primobolan 50-100mg per day
  • Testosterone Enanthate 250-300mg per week

Use for ten weeks

  • PСT - 2 weeks after cycle’ finish (Nolvadex (40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 40mg/day for next 2 weeks))

Intermediate Primobolan cycle

You can also use Primobolan along with Testosterone Enanthate, just in high dosages. Or combine it with Winstrol; this stack is great for cutting that will provide a firm, toned, and defined physique without water retention.

  • Primobolan 100mg per day
  • Winstrol injection 400mg per week
  • Testosterone Enanthate 100mg per week

Use for ten weeks

  • PСT- 2 weeks after cycle’ finish (Nolvadex (40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 40mg/day for next 2 weeks))

Advanced Primobolan cycle

Experienced users also combine Primobolan with other steroids for maximum results. More often, this will usually be for serious cutting purposes, including competition preparation where you want maximum muscle definition and firmness.

  • Primobolan 200mg per day
  • Trenbolone Enanthate 500 mg per week
  • Testosterone Enanthate 100 mg per week

Use for ten weeks

  • PСT- 2 weeks after cycle’ finish (Nolvadex (40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 40mg/day for next 2 weeks))

Possible Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

Primobolan is not converted to estrogen, which is one of its main benefits (since it does not cause gynecomastia or edema).

Primobolan is considered to be well-tolerated and has relatively mild side effects. With the correct dosage, no side effects should occur. Otherwise, you may experience:

  • Lowered natural testosterone production testosterone (on average by 50%). Therefore, it is recommended to include testosterone in the cycle to maintain it.
  • Liver damage - all oral steroids cause this effect if you exceed the standard dosage and the optimal cycle duration. To avoid this, do not use Primobolan for more than ten weeks.
  • Adverse effects on cholesterol - if you are prone to cholesterol problems, you should control it during your Winstrol cycle and stick to a lean diet.
  • Virilization in women at higher dosages (it is considered one of the safest steroids at low dosages for women, so these side effects can often be avoided entirely.

Popular Primobolan Q&A

What is Primobolan used for?

It works excellent in cutting cycles when you need to shed unwanted fat and preserve existing muscle. It encourages the body to burn only fat while protecting the muscles from burning energy.

Follow a full-fledged diet and complex workouts, and the effectiveness of this substance will be maximized. For even greater significance, use it with other steroids; for example, a combination with Winstrol is perfect.

Primobolan works excellent in any cutting cycle with minimal risk of side effects than other steroids and does not cause severe liver damage if not used for more than ten weeks.

Is PCT needed after Primobolan?

After the end of the cycle, be sure to go through the PCT. It is necessary after any steroid cycle, as it restores your testosterone production as needed, maintains your results, and prevents unwanted side effects.

Take gonadotropin during your cycle and one and a half months after your cycle to maintain results and prevent testosterone suppression. (2 injections per week, 250-500 IU for four weeks)

Use also Clomid (50 mg per day for the first two weeks and dropping to 25 mg per day during the last two weeks of PCT)

or  Nolvadex (40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 40mg/day for next 2 weeks) 

What to combine Primobolan with?

Primobolan is almost always combined with other steroids for better post-cycle results. Most often, it is combined with Testosterone, Winstrol, Trenbolone. These stacks are great for losing weight and maintaining muscle mass.

Primobolan is non-aromatized, so it is ideal for taking it with a non-aromatizing steroid such as Winstrol. This way, you can avoid estrogenic side effects.

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