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Triamterene 75mg/100tabs (diuretic) - Canadian Generic

Triamterene 75mg/100tabs (diuretic) - Canadian Generic

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Brand: Pharmacy Grade, Apotex, Cobalt, Sandoz, TEVA

Substance: Triamterene

Dosage and packing: 75 mg/tab (100 tabs)

  • Diuretic Solution
  • Gives Dryer Look
  • Removes excess water


What is Triamzide?

Triamzide is a popular diuretic, which is used to reduce the amount of water in the body, which helps lower blood pressure. It also helps to prevent the body from absorbing too much salt.

The substance reduces the permeability of the distal tubules' cell membranes for sodium ions and enhances their excretion in the urine without increasing the excretion of potassium ions. Thus, the secretion of potassium in the distal tubules decreases, which reduces the hypokalemia caused by thiazide diuretics and enhances the latter's diuretic effect.

The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 hours, for another 10 hours. The substance can be used alone or with other medicines to treat water retention or high blood pressure.


  • Classification: Potassium-sparing diuretic
  • Dosage: 100-200 mg/day
  • Water Retention: No
  • Aromatization: No

Triamzide Benefits

  • Does not reduce the potassium level in the blood
  • Helps with edema syndrome caused by diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys (mainly in cases where it is necessary to avoid loss of potassium in the body).
  • Used in heart failure, when additional fluid removal and a decrease in potassium excretion from the body are necessary.
  • Very quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Suitable for combined use simultaneously with thiazide diuretics

How to Take Triamzide?

The drug is taken orally with water. The dosage depends on your body's response to treatment.

The usual starting dose to treat edema (fluid retention) or high blood pressure is 1 tablet twice daily after meals. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets divided into 2 takes. Use this medication regularly and at the same time every day.

Possible Side Effects and How to Avoid Them

With improper use, incorrect dosages or exceeding the duration of intake, the following side effects may occur:

  • nausea, impaired appetite, change in taste
  • drowsiness and fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety
  • tachycardia
  • acute renal failure, kidney stones
  • rash
  • muscle cramps and weakness, decreased sexual activity

Popular Triamzide Q&A

What effects does Triamzide provide?

Triamzide is a diuretic that helps to flush out irreparable water from the body. This medication also reduces excess fluid in the body if you had heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease.

Besides, Triamzide is used to treat high blood pressure, prevent heart attacks and kidney problems.

Is Triamzide dangerous for the body?

If used for a long time, it can damage the heart and arteries, as a result leading to stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure.

You can eliminate these problems by controlling blood pressure. Therefore, use the optimal dose of the drug for the recommended period of time.

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